
Investor Centre

Investor FAQs

What are the head office contact details for Data#3 Limited?Collapsed
What is the name and contact details of Data#3's share registrar?Collapsed
How do I change my address on the share register?Collapsed
Who are the auditors for Data#3 LimitedCollapsed
Does the company have a dividend reinvestment plan?Collapsed
How do I consolidate more than one holding?Collapsed
How often does Data#3 report its results and when does this occur?Collapsed
When does Data#3's financial year end?Collapsed
How many Data#3 ordinary paid shares have been issued?Collapsed
How can I buy Data#3 shares?Collapsed
What is Data#3 Limited' stock exchange symbol and on what exchange do its shares trade?Collapsed
What should I do if my dividend cheque is lost?Collapsed
When was Data#3 Limited established and where is it located?Collapsed
What is Data#3 Limited's vision?Collapsed
What is Data#3 Limited's privacy policy?Collapsed